
June 18, 2011 at 6:03 am

Agree with Catherina.. I would also suggest the same. I think headache is very common after IVIG but it goes away at a later date.. i mean it is not a permanent feature.


April 29, 2011 at 12:09 am

I was also getting bad headache, nausea etc after IVIG.

This is what works for me. Make sure you drink lots for 2 days before so you are very hydrated. You also have to drink lots for 2-3 daysAFTER IVIG to flush IVIG through.

I take Tylenol and Benadryl every 4 hours the day of my IVIG and I take it for 2 days after IVIG. This has stopped the headache and I can function much better.

I get 90 grams in 1 day once a month. We start at 60grams for 15 minutes, check Blood presure, temp, and pulse.

If OK we bump the rate to 100. After another 30 minutes we check BP,pulse and temp again. Then we bump up to 130 for the rest of the day. Several times we monitor BP,pulse and temp.

Hope this helps,