Have you gotten the booklet from GBS Foundation?
Hi, Teresa Rose,
If you haven’t gotten the booket yet, please do so. It may answer many of your questions. GBS usually takes 3 months to 2 years to recover. You sound like you are coming along quite fast. I found that I could not look for progress day to day. It is like watching your hair or nails grow! It will frustrate you. I found friends who asked about my daily progress to be annoying. They just don’t understand. By the third month I wanted to smack those who said, “Hang in there.” That was easy for them to say. Let them try living alone and wondering how many months you will need to recover. I found that I underestimated the amount of time I would need. My GBS peaked the second week of October 2006. I expected to be over it by Thanksgiving or Christmas…..not really. Still not walking…but I see it coming soon.
I wonder why all of these nice people had to go through this nightmare? I would like to do a survey of all of us to see what we have in common. If the doctors can’t figure it out, maybe they haven’t asked the right questions. You sounded really healthy before you got this. Does your doctor really think a sinus infection did this?
You are blessed that you have family – that makes a BIG difference…trust me..as one who doesn’t.
Reading what others are going through will break your heart as well as make you feel better that you are not as bad as they are. I had long silky blonde hair that was down to the middle of my back. Within 3 days it knotted and matted. I think my hair tensed up like my mind and body did…..how are we going to get through this???!! I could not get it unmatted because my fingers were too numb to feel it. I started 3 months later to try and undo the damage. That was 3 days ago. I may have to cut it really short but I am trying not to. I cannot explain how bad it looks. So when you are feeling down, look in the mirror and say, “Well, i don’t have to cut my hair off!”
Hope this helps……I cannot give you a mantra or magic way of thinking to make you feel better…because I haven’t found one. I wish I would as my patience is wearing thin……but what choice do we have. Let your family keep your spirits up.
GBS Sept 06 started
Oct 06 peaked
Jan 07…..still recovering
GBS March 86 milder case