Go as best you can…

September 13, 2007 at 12:19 am

I think it all depends on your teachers/assessor/evaluators’s biases? Lets get real here?
I loved Feldenkrais, accupressure and various therapeutic massages, but it took me 3 years before I could TOLERATE any therapist trying to do any massage on me! My sensory nerves [what were left?] would protest LOUDLY when touched for more than X seconds or minutes….The BODY AWARENESS aspects ARE critical tho as an affected person w/sensory loss really does lose sense of where they are in ‘time and space’ to a potentail danger point.
The simplest exercises -those that improve balance and small muscle strengths are key to learning or RE-learning how to walk correctly and grasp simple things such as glasses without two hands-correctly. I’d have been a dead duck were I not already aware of physical trainings such as Feldenkrais, Pilates and other philosophies…it was because my prior life made me aware of the simple things such as body position. center for balance etc…I asked my neuro for PT…I have to admit it was low on his priority lists [he was trying to diagnose me tho at the time] BUT when I ASKED I was not denied….and I ask for as much as my insurance allows because I KNOW I don’t have all the discipline I would like to keep up on it all…

Goshes! I sure wish YOU were in my neighborhood and I could be your guinea pig! WHAT a pair we could be? Dreams are just that tho…

As they say on Broadway – Break a Leg! or…Knock ’em over! I have faith.