GBS Resources in Cincinnati
Dear cincymom,
Our 11 year old daughter was also diagnosed with GBS — last September. Her pediatrician referred her to Children’s Hospital Medical Center (on Burnet Ave. in Clifton).
On the fourth day of her symptoms she had an appointment in the Children’s Neurology Clinic at noon. By 4 pm, she was diagnosed. That evening they did a spinal tap to confirm diagnosis. Her IVig was started by midnight.
On the day of her appointment (the 4th day of symptoms) she was unable to walk and was very ill. She also suffered facial paralysis while she was in the hospital. The doctors believed she had the AIDP type of GBS, and it apparently followed a virus.
The neurologists at Children’s told us they see about 12 GBS cases per year. We felt that the Children’s Neurology Department was knowedgeable about making a GBS diagnosis and prepared to deal with it.
Since you’re also in Cincinnati and have an 11-year old daughter with GBS, I thought I would tell you about our experience with Children’s.
Good luck to you.