For a doc to say?

September 8, 2009 at 5:22 pm

You look normal? IS there something wrong here? I’d have thought they’d want to TEST you some more just to be sure!
Nerve tests….Word of experience from me? And, from what I’ve learned from others…
Tests can show NORMAL the first 3 months or so, but after that? Things can and often go downhill. Ask for a 6 month follow-up test for the docs to compare things to.
I know I showed ‘normal’ a month after onset, while the rest of me could barely walk and function?, well, durn it I was ‘normal’! Later on tho, things did show their toll in ‘recordable’ ways. These records are KEY to your ultimate diagnosis and be sure to [IF you can] get copies of these reports for your OWN files.
Ultimately? IF you can get copies of all the tests and get a second opinion? It’d be a lot cheaper than many alternatives! Or, even a third or more if needed.
As for the ‘numbness’? It can come on suddenly, and just as soon go away. I hate it when it happens when I drive tho… then that gets scary. Be super cautious about it all. Do NOT take any situation driving for granted.
Go with YOUR INSTINCTS that something is not right!
Our bodies tell us what we often have to teach ourselves how to describe. It’s not easy, but then? Take it all as a self-defensive action! To keep yourself as well as possible.
Hope and lots of hearts go with you, know that