Sue, dysarthria just means trouble speaking clearly (dys for not right and arthria is the act of speech. there are many possible reasons for dysarthria other than myastenia gravis. Myastenia is a muscle problem. GBS/CIDP is a problem with the nerves; muscles are often affected because motor nerves go to muscles. The nerves to the tongue or throat can be affected in GBS/CIDP. They typically are for the Miller-Fisher variant. Sensory nerves are also important in speech. I know I have felt like my lip and tongue are “asleep” and I talk funny to me when this happens.
I would make sure that you do tell him about the trouble walking since being a child. This can make you think of a hereditary condition since it has been present almost all your life. It may not mean anything either other than you tended to be a little more clumbsy than others on the scale of coordination, but it is worth him thinking about.
Lots of people have trouble seeing as they have more years go by. You should also tell him about dry eyes because this can go with a rheumatologic problem and some rheumatologic problems can also have neuropathy. the reason to know is the best treatment options might be a little different if something were hereditary or rheumatolgic.
I do not mean in any way to scare you. I do not understand why your neurologist wanted you to see another neurologist, but it is often a good idea just to rethink all the possibilities. This does not mean that you have then or have more than one something, but that sometimes with strange illnesses like CIDP that are so different in different people, someone new might have an “ah ha” moment and know better how to help.
WithHope for a cure for these diseases.