Driving Evaluation

March 19, 2007 at 12:45 pm

I had a driving evaluation at a large hospital last May. I had a pretty bad flare-up that left me unable to drive because of physical disabilities, including severe double vision, for over six months. My evaluation was to determine which types of adaptive devices would allow me to get back behind the wheel. I was approved for hand controls, and I’ve been driving with them for 10 months now. Although I can walk, severe foot drop and quadricpes and hip flexor weakness does not allow me to really move or lift my leg to drive while in a seated position. Plus, too much sensory loss in feet.

I was evaluated for strength, eye sight and mental cognition via a variety of tests. Then, a simulator was used to develop an idea of what adaptive device would work best. Then, a driving instructor setup a car with the hand controls, and I drove for about 45 minutes. After it was determined these adaptive systems were good, I was given a certificate which detailed the equipment I was to have installed on my car. Then, a detailed write-up was sent to my physician, who was required to then forward to the DMV.

It was a pretty easy process, and I was ecstatic to finally be driving again.

Good luck to you.