Double dose of adjuvenated vaccine

June 15, 2011 at 1:20 am

On November 17th, 2009, I was given a second dose of the adjuvenated H1N1 vaccine in error. My job as a health care worker encouraged vaccination in the light of the anticipated swine flu pandemic. I could have declined, but felt that I did not want be responsible for compromising the heath of those in my care.
On October 29th, 2009, I attended the vaccination clinic site and received the first dose of adjuvenated vaccine. Then on November 17th, I returned for the seasonal flu shot. I presented my form and told the administering nurse that I had received the H1N1 shot earlier and needed the seasonal flu shot this visit.
in error, she administered the H1N1 adjuvenated vaccine. She recognized her error immediately and called for the supervisor who reviewed the situation and commenced a written report of the incident.
I asked her about any consequences that might follow and her reply was that in her opnion, I would only be “doubly protected” and that I should not worry.

In January of 2010, I began to experience numbness, tingling and stiffness in my hands and feet, symptoms which continue to this present day. Accompanying these symptoms, is a sensation that my feet are “wet”‘. As they are not wet, this has been explained as a form of neuropathy
I have been under the care of my GP, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, and have rum the gambit of testing from different blood tests to CatScan, Xray, and MRI. I have provided my GP with information supplied by the Foundation for CIDP and he has ordered a new round of testing

I would be interested in learning of instances where multiple doses of adjuvenated swine flu vaccine have been received and the side effects of same if any. I have reported the history and path of this event to Interior Health of BC as well as to the Foundation and am in touch with Sherry Nedjedly of the GBS/CIDP Foundation International.
A subsequent appointment with the neurologist has been booked for June 28th, and I am continuing with Gabapentin and Allopurinol treatment which are helpful in keeping me working and able to tolerate the continuing symptoms.

Thank you all for your contributions to this forum.