Conservative Vs. Liberal

September 1, 2006 at 1:53 pm

I think one important thing to note about Conservatives and Liberals is that By and large we both want the same thing for our country — success and peace. The problem is that usually we have (at least) two different viewpoints on how to achieve these goals. I am a conservative, that doesn’t mean I walk lock step with GWB. There are MANY things I disagree with him about:

1) Illegal Immigration or amnesty
2) Spending increases over the last 5 years — some of it has been neccessary due to the global war on terror.
3) Dubai ports deal
4) Harriet Miers — bad idea!!
5) Iraq — to an extent… I don’t think we had nearly enough troops.

I will say this; I believe that Iraq is part of the overall war on terror. There are many pieces of intel that have come out since the start of hostilities there that have proven that Saddam had connections to Al Qaeda BEFORE the war began. If nothing else, he had connections to Hezbollah and the PLO. So the claims by some on the left that the connections to terror didn’t start until after we invaded are just absolutely false.

Brandy, I agree, we do need to question our government. I don’t begrudge you that!

Jim C