Try this, go to the main forum page. Look up GBS/CIDP foundation. Click & scroll down to characters. Select your state & it will give you characters in your area, which should be able to help you find a local neuro doc for GBS/CIDP. They probably will also have recommendations.
So sorry your Mom has this. Welcome to your GBS/CIDP family. You are in my heart & in my prayers. We are all praying for you.
Good luck. God Bless you.
I am also concerned about surgery. Yesterday a spine surgeon told me I needed 3 discs worked on and it would be about a 3 month recovery from this surgery. I haven’t recovered from the GBS yet. He seemed very confident that he could fix my pain and I’m still getting a IVig the first monday of each month as a precautionary . I really know these doctors are smart but geeeezzzz. I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do. They said as any doctor would ” you can live with it or fix it” then they left it up to me. I’m so confused, sometimes I still don’t know what day it is ,much less make important decisions like this.