
February 22, 2009 at 3:27 am

I had to go looking for this because a search of the two words must be too common–so I brought back up. WithHope


February 4, 2009 at 6:33 am

This is an old post, has anyone heard from Brie?

Anyway, I have two lesions on the left side brain, the drooping eyelid, but never had double vision. I have a heck of a stigmatism but thats different.
I had a 6 month mri and it stayed the same. I do it again at 1 year etc.

I have been a lifelong allergy sufferer and get headaches from the indoor and outdoor allergies. I replaced mostly all carpeting with hardwood, and tried to allergy proof the home. Helps but the stuff get in. I take allergy drugs almost year round and suffer from sinus pressure spring and winter. the best room in the house to allergy proof is your bedroom due to the amount of time spent in there sleeping. Bag the Box spring even if its new. Use a lined slip cover on the mattress and replace the pillow every 3 months and keep new ones in an allergy proof case so you don’t breathe mite excrement. NO Feather Pillows. Keep all the dust away(good luck). shower at night so no allergens are in hair or sinus etc. it really helps.

My CIDP has affected my eye, Face (LH more). ears and hearing (ringing and sensitive) Pretty much my whole body. I can feel it went up my back muscles halft way. both arms both legs. My memory is really bad but I chalk that up being a bad teenager if you know what I mean. who knows.–tim–