
August 7, 2008 at 12:34 am

Having raised a 27 year old son with spina bifida, I should really know much more about incontinence than I do. I do remember the tests you are referring to, they were not fun for him at all. My son began CIC (clean intemittent catheterization) at age 6 & has done pretty well with it through the years. I know he uses a 14 French catheter, latex free, as I do still order his catheters for him. He also used K-Y jelly for the ease of insertion, & wears an adult Depends for back-up at night. When he was young he seemed to always have a urine infection, so he has just stayed on sulfatrim all these years (an antibiotic for urology.) No infections since then. Wish I could be of more help in this area…

I am so sorry you are having all of these problems. I was given roughly the same time frame back in the spring of 2002, when IVIG, PE & solumedrol were not quite holding me (as a quad.) It was 9 months of cytoxan infusions that finally arrested the CIDP, & after two years I got back to walking but do take a cane with me outside the home. I just wish the same for you… BTW it took me quite a few months before the CIDP was arrested, maybe 9 months or so. I could actually tell when I wasn’t being attacked anymore, even though I couldn’t walk or use my hands for much of anything.
Blessings, Pam