As part of my never-ending diagnosis/testing process, I had two “scopes” done a couple months ago; both “Upper Endoscopy” and “Colonoscopy” the same day.
The GI doc explained that to test for Celiac, Graves, and other “similar” illnesses, they had to take a small biopsy from the small intestine for testing. He was all aflutter after the procedures…said he got his “scope” farther” up into my “small” intestine than he had EVER been able to, with any patient, in the past. “Things just seemed to line up perfectly!”, he exclaimed! For some reason, I felt entirely violated after that…:rolleyes:
But, the tests showed that I had neither Graves or Celiac Disease; I think, though, that many can be “Gluten Sensitive”, without being officially “allergic”. I know that’s the case with many antibiotics since all this started; I NEVER used to have a problem with any medication’s side effects (except some antidepressants), but now, everything seems to be much worse.
Things I thought were especially interesting in this report include:
67% of those diagnosed with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) were found to have a “gamma-retrovirus”, that only 3% of the “healthy population” carried.
“[I] the human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), a neurotropic, gliotropic, and immunotropic virus, is more often found in patients with CFS than in healthy controls[/I]”
“[I]The prevalence and median values for serum IgA against the LPS of enterobacteria were significantly greater in patients with CFS than in normal volunteers and patients with partial CFS. Moreover, serum IgA levels were significantly correlated to the severity of illness, as measured by the FibroFatigue scale [12].[/I]”
“[I]Investigations have documented that there are marked alterations in the gut microbiota of CFS patients, with lower levels of Bifidobacteria and higher levels of aerobic bacteria [18]. [/I]”
“[I]Disruption of mucosal barrier function occurs in CFS as demonstrated by the increased serum concentrations of IgA and IgM to LPS of gram-negative enterobacteria [12]. [B]Psychological stress [/B]disrupts the mucosal barrier allowing increased entry of antigens and microorganisms, which in turn is expected to stimulate hyperactive responses in the mucosal immune system.[/I]”
And, finally, something that I think might create a lot of interest here…
“[I]Butt and colleagues reported that fatigue presentation in CFS patients with symptoms of IBS was more severe than in CFS patients without irritable bowel [46]. Furthermore, patients with both CFS and IBS had poorer appetite, increased abdominal pain, increased severity of loose stools, diarrhea, nausea, and gastric reflux. [B]The gut microbiota influences the sensory, motor and immune system of the gut and interacts with higher brain centers even at extremely low levels [50]. [/B]So aberrant gut microbiota and gut barrier dysfunction may actually be creating an “irritable” bowel. Altered intestinal microbiota and gut barrier dysfunction could also contribute to the symptoms of CFS through increased translocation of LPS from gram-negative enterobacteria[/I].”
As I think I said earlier, everyone with ANY chronic illness, which puts the body in a heightened state of stress, is at risk of developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as a result of the onset of other illnesses, like CIDP. Then the old “Chicken and the Egg” discussion starts…:rolleyes: