
September 21, 2010 at 12:20 am

[QUOTE=fairly_odd_mother]My legal aid just emailed me and said after reviewing the cd about my case, he feels there is insufficient evidence that I have a case for disability.


I am confused…cd about my case?

Does that mean someone has put together a cd about you and your medical condition?

Have you been able to listen to or see the info presented?

What kind of evidence are they looking for?

I would try to call them and get more answers.

If they need more medical info have the docs forward more stuff.

Sometimes they try to tell you no in hopes you go away but it is your responsiblity to represent yourself and fight for what you deserve.

Don’t give up, call them back and get them to explain why they feel there is not enough evidence and then prove to them that you need the disablility assistance.

Good luck, Keep your chin up, and don’t give up!

Rhonda from Canada


June 18, 2006 at 8:31 pm

My heart goes out to you. It must be very hard to watch one u luv suffer so. I pray things will get better for your family and loved ones soon. It doesn’t matter how things get, all we have to do is look around and we can easily find someone in worse shape than ourselves. May the Good Lord Bless u this very day.