Campi Bacteria

February 4, 2009 at 9:57 pm


No I had absolutely nothing other than the colonoscopy. I was told this was something I should do at my age and I finally broke down and had it done.

I had an rather “crusty” nurse blurt out when I told her the only thing that had happened to me was a colonoscopy the week before — “He did not clean his equipment.” Of course I have no proof of that. But, I do feel my CIDP was the result of an infection. If the treatment is the same regardless of the cause, then I will just continue. I also feel my liver counts are the result of inflammation from an infection. But again if all require the same course of action regardless of the cause, then I am doing all that can be done. I just keep reading references to Campi Bacteria and wondered if something special should be done if that were the cause.

Thank you for your information.


Campi Bacteria

February 3, 2009 at 8:53 pm


The reason for my earlier question concerning how they determined it was Campi Bacteria, is because that is what I think caused my CIDP. I had a colonoscopy and the next week the muscle fatigue and the muscle weakness started. It was six months and two neurologists later before I was diagnosed with CIDP. To my knowledge there has never been a test for Campi bacteria. I also have abnormal liver counts. I have had an Ultra Sound and liver biopsy and nothing is found to cause the high ALT and AST. My liver has looked fine for both tests. The doctor who specializes in the liver lectures me about drinking. I counted up and I had seven glasses of wine in 2007, but was a bit worse in 2008 with 10 glasses of wine and one margaritta. He looks at me like he does not believe me. I keep asking him if I have or had an inflammation of the liver due to a bacteria, what would his medical advice be. He said the same.
I do not know if it makes any difference at this point to know what caused the CIDP. I receive IVIG and have made progress although it seems to have leveled out which is quite disappointing. I guess my question to you now is if CIDP is caused by the Campi bacteria, is there anything different that should be done?
Thanks again,