Brain lesions?

June 21, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Ever have a concussion in your past? If you have, you might just show lesions from that….I have had a couple and when docs look and mention spots….I pipe up that I’d concussions about x and y years ago..and that’s that… I’ve been ‘filmed’ enuf CT’s and MRI’s for other stuff/events that the docs can see nothing remarkable has changed over the years….
Sit down, wrack what brain is left [after the meds do their jobs] and work out some sort of medical life history…like when you were 5 you fell out of a tree had casts and don’t remember much else about that..etc.
That’s why it is soo important to get copies of your records and test results…Do not forget that CIDP overlaps/mimics soo many other conditions’ aspects that if the doc you see TODAY specializes in one of those other areas..You almost have to know MORE than he does about the tests that confirm diagnosis to get that treatment you need.
Dughy is right that SSDI and LTD plans really want your entire life history medically…then again for any reviews – the paperwork can be overwhelming! I’ve a friend who just got her IVIG records for LTD re-review…over 300 pages for about one year’s worth of infusions! Congratulations Dughy for getting disability approved so quickly! You are fortunate that you were diagnosed so quickly without going thru the dozens of docs so many others have.

Keep faith, good heart and a sense of humor! If this all didn’t hurt so much it could be viewed as almost absurdly funny…ya know?