Blood Patch for Spinal Tap Headache

June 22, 2011 at 9:58 pm

Yes, having a spinal tap headache is the worst thing I have ever experienced.
Following my first spinal tap, and then a trip of about 100 miles home, I got a headache. The headache persisted.

Poor me, it was July 4th weekend. The outfit that did the spinal tap suggested I got to the ER, if need be. First, 100 miles was too far away to return. Second, it was, as I said, July 4th weekend now.

I suffered with it. I suffered for days and days. In retrospect, it was a poor decision on my part.

Which is exactly why, when I was at Mayo, my wife and I checked out of the campground and into a hotel for my 2nd spinal tap. Oh, well, the 2nd spinal tap went flawlessly. No puncture pain, no post tap pain, and most significantly, no spinal tap headache.

For more on the cure for a Spinal Tap Headache, called a “Blood Patch” please see this Northwestern Raadiology discussion:


I hope your headache is better now!

Oh, by the way- anybody know where the spell checker went?