Bascet cases

July 11, 2006 at 7:38 am

Here is my furry family, all taking a nap, sweetly together 🙂

Rontti is my rescue mission;
Rontti used to be Toni’s cat, (my hubby) but after he broke up with her ex, she insisted on keeping it,
saying that she would take better care of it.
Then after we got together, she started to threathen him,
saying that she will have the cat shot. 😮 😡

I take that it was her last attempt to get Toni’s attention,
but we simply went there and took Rontti with us, and he has
done a great job getting along with Khufu and Khafre, and he has purred his way in to my heart permanantly.
He has been with us now about 6 months, and over the time he’s shown me that he´s just the nicest, sweetest and so loving cat, that my life is filled with affection.
Can’t imagine life without him 🙂