back and forth

October 22, 2006 at 12:13 am

I was originally put through ivig from 2001 until 2005 when I started having severe reactions – I was then moved to steriods – high doses and then lower (under 30mg per day). After a year I saw all the typical side effects – depression, lack of sleep, weight gain, mood swings, fatty build ups every where.

I was diagnosed with a fatty mass in my chest this summer which they believe is linked to the prednisone intake and I have been gradual weened from the steriods. At loss as to the next treatment – since paresis is also a challenge for my system and the ivig causes reactions.

I started relapsing a couple of weeks ago and they just started me on Gamunex ivig which does not have the additives that most of the ivig solutions have. I am crossing my fingers on this one!