Are there any other neuros around?

October 10, 2009 at 11:33 am

His training to me was set back in the late 60’s – 70’s! Hey Doc it’s 30 years later and a LOT more is known. And? Can I say: Welcome to the ‘second opinion and diagnosis’ train.
I’ve had a head of a top neuro dept at a teaching hospital say to me: “You can’t have CIDP and get IVIG. You’d have to be in a wheelchair!” [Especially w/o a sural biopsy] I begged his pardon and recited off the criteria for diagnosis and treatment w/IVIG and stated that I’d met 8 of the ten criteria w/o the biopsy and by the way doc? Did you know some insurance co’s won’t pay for the sural biopsy anymore? It’s considered too invasive and prone to infections; besides it only tells you what other tests have already told you.
IF there aren’t any other neuros who are not in his practice, go further afield. You don’t necessarily have to go to the Mayo to get diagnosed! Keep at it and keep faith in your instincts. Take care and keep the fear demons at bay.