AIDP not yet DX with CIDP
In September of 2010 I was taken to Johns Hopkins with GBS(AIDP). I went through a course of ivig for five days. I lost everything up to my diaphragm. The ivig worked, and I was sent to rehab.
Some months later I was diagnosed with Graves Opthlomopathy, and placed on solumedrol 500mg x 12 weeks with a taper dose. 5 weeks into the therapy I had a small recurrence of the foot paralysis, but it went away by the morning. Each week it has been progressively worse, and the recovery has been met with huge pain in the effected areas. At week seven I am sitting in my chair with my legs paralyzed above my knees.
The doctors don’t know of a correlation between solumedrol and GBS or CIDP. Does anyone have any Dr names or links that I can provide my doctors to help them understand this issue?