Reply To: Extreme fatigue – going 'low batt' within 4 to 5 hours. Is this normal?

September 22, 2017 at 9:00 pm

Before I discuss my experience with extreme fatigue I would like to give some background. I am 76. At 70 I was an active scuba diver and sailor. My worst nightmare was when I was diagnosed with CIDP in 2012 and initially placed on high doses of Prednisone gradually reducing the dosage over time. Also taking Gabapentin and when needed Hydrocodone. Also take a stress reducer as needed to help prevent onset of pain. I am now seeing my third Neurologist who finally seems to be advanced in his understanding of the disease. Throughout this period of time I complained to the first two Neurologists that I was extemely fatigued and lethargic all the time. I had no interest in anything or desire to do anything. I could not concentrate on anything. Basically I was a vegetable and very depressed. Iron injections and B12 was tried without success. Quite frankly I had reached a point where I could not reconcile existing in this kind of a life. My current Neurologist recommended that we try Adderol which turned out to be the solution. When I take the medication I slowly begin to feel alert and energized and take interest most of the things I always enjoyed. Each tablet lasts about 3-4 hours depending on my level of output. My maximum is 3 per day and I work closely with my Neurologist. Caution has to be exercised not to abuse the medication. I am relentless in seeking every way that I can to restore my quality of life to the extent possible.

I hope this helps. It may not fit your exact situation, but fatigue is part of the process but youth can go a long way in dealing with it. I wish you well on your day at a time.