Reply To: Starting to Feel Poorly Again-your experience….

August 26, 2017 at 11:03 pm

Hi Jeff,

Very weird cycle for me. It took almost 2 weeks for the IVIg to kick in. Around the 16th of this month, I started to feel energized again and I’ve remained on the uptick since then.

I don’t get inflamation, just weakness in my calves/ankles and nerve pain in my feet.
My doctor upped my gabepentin to 1500mg a day and it now actually takes the edge off the nerve pain in my feet.

I’ll agree with you on over doing it. At this stage in my recovery, there is only so much I can physically do and when I cross that line, I pay for it for a few days until I can rest for a bit.

I saw your other thread. I’ve never really had anything over the counter that takes inflammation out. Sorry, I can’t recommend anything on that topic.

Sorry it took so long to respond.