Reply To: Excessive Physical Exertion Takes a Toll
CIDP just seems to be full of surprises.
I finally went to see my neurologist on Monday.
He cut the steroid dosage which seems to have cut down on some negative side effects, including the weakness in my legs.
But, because of the numbness in my hands, arms, legs and feet, plus a bit of motor control loss in terms of walking, I’m starting a 5 day course of IVIg on Monday.
I think I was hit by 3 things over the last month.
– CIDP hits back when you push too hard or when you are run down by the flu or a cold.
– Prednisone dosage was too high for too long and it was sapping my strength and in general making me feel horrible. At 20 mg I feel stronger, my thinking is clearer….
– I’m now in the midst of a relapse.
I’m hoping with a tolerable dosage of prednisone that the immune system still stays suppressed and the IVIg gives me the needed boost.