Reply To: Support and Motivation
Hi Ariel,
What a beautiful name you have! I’m 28 (actually 29 now because today is my birthday) and I was diagnosed back in February of 2016. I had a pretty bad case, but I remained positive. I am very blessed to be surrounded by such supportive people in my life. I also found this site helpful as well as meeting people with the same affliction through FB pages and Instagram. I even met a couple of people in person who had GBS and are now fully functional. I know some days are harder than others, but focus on what you CAN do. You were once paralyzed and now you’re moving again. Your chances of a full recovery are very high due to your age. I’m still recovering and just starting to walk again with a walker. If you’d like to know more specifics of my case, you can go to I focus on the positives and consider it a blessing that I’m alive. It’s a chance to relearn everything again from feeding yourself, brushing your hair and teeth, to walking again. I find that really interesting and find a new appreciation for it all. If you’d like to talk more privately, I’d be happy to give you my email address and phone number. Stay strong and positive. You WILL get back there, physically. When I look at myself, sometimes I become unhappy because of the weight loss and flabbiness from not using my muscles. I used to be really active and fit so this has been a huge adjustment for me. It just motivates me more to work hard once I’m more capable to get back to all of that. One day at a time. I started this book called ‘Mind Over Mood’ Second Edition by Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky that a friend had recommended and I’m finding it to be extremely helpful in dealing with all the emotions that come with GBS such as but not limited to depression, anxiety, sadness, and anger. It’s been such an insightful book of growth and being more self-aware thus far. – Jamie