Reply To: Scared at 82
Hi Marcel,
Thank you for sharing your mom’s story and for the information on the book. Mine is coming in the mail soon. I hadn’t checked this site for a while and when I read my mom your email, she was again so happy and shocked that someone would write! It has been 5 months now since her diagnosis and I’m so happy to report that she is at finally at home. Her stay in the general rehab ward at the hospital came to a quick end when her team decided that future care for her would be better in a convalescent care facility or at home. We were very surprised that going home was even an option. They gave her a weekend pass and she was so thrilled to be in her own home. It was quite an ordeal setting her apartment up with the necessary equipment (sit-to-stand lift, hospital bed, wheelchair, commode, sliding board) but our Red Cross was wonderful and delivered everything and set it up. She has 5 home-care visits a day to help with her toilet needs, bathing and short tasks. This is all made available through our Canadian Healthcare. She has also started light physio. We have her outfitted with LifeLine (“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up…”) When she was in the hospital just a month ago, she couldn’t stand up or use her hands very well. Now she can stand, pivot and sit, brush her teeth, use utensils and manage the tv remote and phone. It has been a slow but steady progress for her and in her case, being in her own home has helped her emotionally. She’s so happy now and has learned to accept how GBS changed her life. When she accomplishes a new feat, she’s like a child who has just learned to ride a bike. It’s truly heart-warming. I have learned so much on this ride, as has my whole family. I may have to change the name from “Scared at 82″ to Thriving at 83”. It’s her birthday tomorrow and we’ll have so much to celebrate.
I hope your mother is also seeing some positive changes. How is she doing? She’s lucky to have you.
Take care,