Reply To: Sensory CIDP?

December 31, 2015 at 3:54 pm


I looked up the ingredients of the Glucerna and it has milk products in it. Like you, I almost bought the farm when cancer ravaged my esophogus and stomach. I lost both and was on a tube feed for a year. w/7 months of that on life support. The doctors took part of my colon and re-fashioned a fake esophagus so I can now eat, but I develeoped a milk allergy with all this.

Getting enough calories is hard. I weigh 102 (my highest weight when I was riding was 116). 5 miles? Ha ha…got you beat. I used to run 14 miles eeeevery weekend. Plus riding 7 big horses every night after work.

All the people in my family have lived past 100, so I figure I’ve got 30 years to work on this. Might as well have a project; I retired years ago and have not much to do w/my time.
