Reply To: Determining Axonal Damage Using EMG Results

July 13, 2015 at 6:58 pm

You say that your mom has gone a long time without the correct treatment? How long?

Axonal regeneration and muscle tissue recovery are time dependent. And, of course, recovery is reliant on the damage causing insult being stopped. Most cases of CIDP are unique. Treatment may need to be on-going.

Here is a partial answer to your initial question: “At the point of injury there will be either focal slowing or a sudden change in the waveform configuration. A good-quality EMG report should always include the actual waveforms of sensory, motor, and F wave tests. This is in addition to the numerical data that are usually included. The exclusion of this prevents a more complete interpretation of the report.”

You may read all about it here:

On the other hand, I know from experience that fasiculations are observable and do not require any testing. Fasiculations can be an indicator nerve damage.