1 1/2 yr post gbs

March 31, 2008 at 9:13 pm

Hello there! I’m still very much dealing with pain and side effects from gbs. I don’t know if i’ll ever be the same. I think I might be accepting that my life may be different forever even though I still have some kind of lingering hope. I had a relapse in december and that really scared me. I want nothing more in this world to be normal. I watch people and think of what theyy take for granted……..it’s silly ain’t it? We don’t know how good anything is until it’s takin away………then we ***** and moan. Live life one day at a time. This is even affecting my reationship of 7 yrs. I’m tired of living on pain meds and dealing with the fatigue! I jus never thought it would be me………even though i kinda always had some fear of being a “sick” person. Do we all have that fear? Well how ever ur feeling at this exact time………I pray the blood of jesus on u to be healed…… believe and recieve.