Full recovery (well almost)
AnonymousDecember 13, 2006 at 2:22 am
My medical certificate stating i am unfit for work runs out this week and I am not going to renew it. Hopefully I will return to work after Christmas / New Year.
I posted my success story a while back but it disappeared when there was some trouble with the site. For those of you who haven’t heard my story, I got GBS / Miller Fisher variant on 20th July. I went from having double vision, slurred speech and tingling in my hands and feet to being unable to walk within 24 hrs and totally paralysed and unable to breathe in 48hrs. I got IVIG straight away and was in a coma for 5 days. I was on a vent for 2 weeks then had a trachy for another 3 weeks. I spent 4 weeks in ICU and 7 weeks in hospital altogether. I was able to walk with a walker by 5 weeks and after 1 week of intensive rehab was able to walk out of hospital under my own steam. I have not required any physio at all since i left hospital.
It is now coming up to 5 months since i came down with GBS and I am at a point where if i dont improve any more, well, i can live with it. Apart from the customary tiredness (I also have 3 kids aged 8, 5 and 3 so that could also have something to do with it) and the occasional “buzzes” and painful feet if i overdo it, i really dont suffer too much in the way of residuals. I am not on any medication and manage to survive if i dont get my “nana nap” in the middle of the day.
If it wasnt for the christmas period coming up and things slowing down at work i would probably go back to work sooner. But I am definitely looking forward to the New Year and putting my GBS experience behind me and starting afresh. GBS will never be far from my mind though as I believe the experience definitely made me a different and (hopefully) better and stronger person.
Wishing everyone here a very merry christmas and, most importantly, a happy and healthy New Year
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