poliradicolonevrite tipo guillain-barr?..

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 3:32 am

      [salve ragazzi…sono italiana:D sono da 7 anni con i postumi della poliradicolonevrite…voi come state?

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 1:39 pm

      Eu não sei se qualquer pessoas aqui falam italiano. eu não falo italiano mas falo português… vocé entende português?

      ENGLISH TRANSLATION: I dont know if anyone here speaks Italian, I dont, but I do speak Portuguese. Do you understand Portuguese?

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 1:41 pm

      mas, entendo um italiano pequeno

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 4:01 pm

      blank, I call myself angela, I write from the Sicily. I have had the gbs in the 99 are 7 years that are with the enough serious consequences…… asthenia, sudo in order little. .ho the motivatings force in order to make some step… in order to go in turn I go with the carrozzina. the feet are block to you, the electric shocks, moreover have problems to respiratory muscles… I wanted to ask to you, inasmuch as I am in Sicily. .ma from you like I cure the consequences of the GBS?

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 5:06 pm

      My Italian isnt the best but I do know some Italian and will write back in mixed english/italian to help you out as much as possible.

      I can move around with stampelle for less than 60 meters (meno di 60 metri) but if I go any farther than I need to use the carrozzella instead (più di 60 metri). I had GBS in July 2006 so not very long ago. I also get electric shocks and have pain. The feet feel heavy and numb and actually do feel a lot like blocks as well. I have some respiratory problems as well, il mio muscolo di diaframma è debole. Ero nell’ospedale per più di un mese. I have PT (Physical Therapy) 3x a week now, imparo a camminare ancora e prendere più forte. I have a lot of pain and take Neurontin (gabapentin) medicine and that helps with the pain very much.

      Lei era nell’ospedale per GBS? Lei mai ha preso qualunque tipo di medicina nell’ospedale? Lei porta qualunque medicina adesso?

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 1:48 pm

      Eccomi… 7 years ago have been 5 months in resuscitation for a serious respiratory insufficenza after 3 days of the symptoms, to according to day were on the carrozzina. .non swallowed more… therefore have been ricoverata in intubate resuscitation, from which I remained 4 months attacked to the machine in order to breathe, because my respiratory muscles were in tilt… ok to the next one that tired me to digitare salutes:D

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 2:29 pm

      Ciao, mi chiamo lo sherry e ho avuto GBS in 2003. Tuttavia ho anche dello symptons e la tuttavia lotta con poche cose. Comunque, sono cosí molto migliore di ero. Sono in grado di camminare con soltanto una canna ed un molto Piccolo aiuto altrimenti. Uso un luogo di traduzione sull’internet cosí spero che questo lavora ok. Prendere cura e Dio Benedice.


      Hello, my name is sherry and i had GBS in 2003. I also still have some symptons and still struggle with a few things. However, I am so much better than I was. I am able to walk with only a cane and very Little help otherwise. I am using a translation site on the internet so I hope this works ok. Take care and God Bless.


    • Anonymous
      January 26, 2007 at 3:49 pm

      come state…amici?????????????


      il mio forum…ciaoooooooooo