Lets not forget

February 10, 2010 at 8:54 pm

The B-1’s and B-12’s? Being cautious about the B-6’s tho, as that can build up to toxic and thus negative levels and results.
I agree that the good Fish Oils with the rite Omegas AND calcium citrate plus magnesium and Vite D are also good to offset and support a lot of problems.
My only caution here is to watch your labels! Count up the extra B-6 they put into everything. I’d found at one time I was getting over 6 times the recommended Daily Requirement…bordering on the toxic by looking at those labels. No wonder the numbness wasn’t improving!
Hope this helps, let us all know what your’re doing and if it works.
Don’t expect tho, that a week on supplements will make you feel better? It takes months! Give it at least 3 months to kick in and then decide.