Double Visionary

December 21, 2010 at 3:47 pm

Hello, Guys,

My MF hit back in 2000, where I posted quite regularly on this forum for a year or two. After placing my name and contact information on this site’s MF list, I’ve received many calls from individuals just diagnosed. Very good networking off of this list, and I encourage all of you to be placed on it.

MF hit my vision first, and most severe. Along with the other symptoms many of you list i.e. loss of reflexes, weakness, ataxia, etc., this combination mixed with cross-eyed opthalmapelgia made me a frail and discouraged camper.

After the above symptoms subsided in time, my double vision stayed the same and did not improve. After over a year of chronic diplopia, I opted for strabisimus surgery at the Doheny Eye Center @ USC. This was quite successful, ridding me of 90% of vision problems, enabling me to live without an eyepatch. After 10+ years, my vision is fine, bar some peripheral double issues, and eye fatigue at the end of the day.

Having been an elementary school teacher for 27 years, MF was quite a forced pause for me. Due to the damage done to my vestibular nerve, along with chronic fatigue and vision residuals, I did not return to the classroom, and later went on State Teachers Disability. Since then, I’ve taught piano lessons in my home, and now love it … with over 30 students, I’ve found there is indeed life outside of the classroom! With a very supportive wife and community of friends, I’m a blessed man.

I must say, that I truly can relate to the fears and anxieties which are felt in all of the above posts, all justifiable and genuine. I must say I went through somewhat of a personal spiritual awakening during those days, and it has affected my life since … in a very good way. We all encounter “storms” in life, where we become desperate. Separations, loss, and illness are but a few. After encountering the Psalms and other Bible passages during my MF, I think now that it is in one’s brokenness and affliction that God, in his love, meets us. This connection changed my life completely. I’ve really not been quite the same since, and I can honestly say God is now “my refuge and my strength.” Has this happened to anyone else?

All of you are wonderful, caring folks, and I appreciate the support gained from your sharing. Thank you. Norm in CA