foods, vitamins, and recovery; lyrica + booze

    • July 20, 2010 at 1:13 pm

      Hello all, I hope that you are in good spirits and enjoying some of this day. It’s lovely where I am nere in Central Ontario.

      I’ve asked about what medicine you are taking. What are you eating/drinking and what vitamins do you recommend? I was told that shark-liver oil is good for recovery but it’s expesive compared to Omega 3-6-9.

      Also, I’m in no mood for heavy drinking but enjoy a beer or a glass of wine. I’m now on Lyrica and have been dry since starting. Moderate drinking doesn’t hurt, in fact I think it perked me up and I enjoyed some social time. Now I’m on Lyrica and the alcohol warnings are evident. I know this should be enough to make me not have a glass, but will one hurt with a meal? I dont mind going without but like the choice and chicken wings and pop doesn’t cut it.:D

      Best to all!!!!:)

    • Anonymous
      July 20, 2010 at 4:31 pm

      One drink does not create an alcohol problem, maybe.

      Consider, even grant, that our neurological systems are weakened.

      I’m neither talking about drinks per hour, nor abuse, nor excessive quantities nor abuse.

      I’m only talking about the taking in of alcohol.

      According to the NIH “For many years, scientists thought that alcohol altered the function of neurons in the brain by interacting with fat molecules in the cell membranes. More recently, it has become apparent that alcohol interacts with proteins found in the cell membranes, particularly those involved in neurotransmission.”

      I, personally, don’t want anything else interfering with my transmissions.

    • Anonymous
      July 20, 2010 at 6:07 pm

      Welch’s grape juice is a good substitute; and very healthy for you. It helped cure my GBS migraines and has strengthened my heart and circulation.

      PS: I don’t drink alcohol; haven’t even been in the ‘on-site pub’. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • July 20, 2010 at 7:28 pm

      Thanks for the input.

      This is about enjoying a fine crafted beverage, not for intoxication. It’s the aroma, taste and much more. It’s also a social and cultural thing.

      And there are many studies that find that moderate drinkers are as healthy or more than abstainers.

      My question was about whether [I]a drink[I] will react with Lyrica.

    • Anonymous
      July 20, 2010 at 8:27 pm

      i personaly dont like the taste of beer or wine but enjoy a nice cooler or amiretto sour every once and awhile…. if u want to avoid the alcohol but crave that god old refreshing beer taste i know there are afew non alcoholic beers sold here in ontario at the local METRO groceries stores… also becks sells a very god non alcoholic beer my step dad enjoys very very much. hope this helps.

    • Anonymous
      July 21, 2010 at 12:47 am

      If it does NGG, I would drop the Lyrica. lol ๐Ÿ™‚
      Just pulling your chain NGG, as I don’t drink alcohol. Since no one else answered your question I thought I may as well post something too. ๐Ÿ™‚ Serious tho, I doubt alcohol affecting us is not worse than all the different meds we take. Since we are all different I would take the lyrica and take a little drink or too, and if that doesn’t bother you than I would drink a little more the next day, and so on, until you would know the answer for yourself, and what your own body tells you.

      God bless you,

    • Anonymous
      July 21, 2010 at 8:52 am

      I drink wine and alcohol, though not in excess as I take other medications. That being said, yes; I had a couple beverages at an off site work function while on Lyrica (Long Island Iced Tea). I honestly don’t feel an occasional beverage will cause harm; however, that’s my opinion.

      I believe that was the only time I had alcohol while on Lyrica as I only took it for two months and I spaced the dosage out (I took Lyrica early in the morning and skipped my evening dose). ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

      Take care,


    • Anonymous
      July 21, 2010 at 10:21 am

      I have not taken Lyrica so I can’t really comment on that question, mixing it with alcohol. I guess you won’t know until you try, right?

      As for alcohol, I have an occasional glass of wine and beer. When I was first sick, I did not drink for a long time because I had severe nausea. I find that as more time passes, the more I am able to enjoy it and it doesn’t affect me in any weird way. Coffee on the other hand seems to ramp up my symptoms, so I stay away from caffeinated and drink only decaf. Life is too short not to enjoy a drink every now and then…or more often if you desire! ๐Ÿ™‚

      As for vitamins, I received a recommendation from another vaccine injury victim: omega 3’s, vitamin d, vitamin b12, coQ10 and a multivitamin. I also took alpha lipoic acid for a while, which is supposed to help with neuropathy. I have also read on here that turmeric is good for nerves as well. I started taking this vitamin regimen about a month ago and my mood has improved, my muscle pain lessened, my energy and sleep are better. It could just be coincidence, but there is no harm in taking the vitamins. I think that the vitamin d and b12 are helping the most. B12 is very good for combatting fatigue. Hope this helps.

    • July 23, 2010 at 2:01 pm

      I have found that after 3 years without being able to drink even a partial beer because of an immediate headache, I am able to have a couple with no effects at all. I don’t even get a buzz. I enjoy having a couple, now and again, but kind of a bummer not to enjoy the effects. Oh and taking a couple of xanax with it or any other meds (yes did discuss this with my doctor and got his okay within reason) does nothing either. Seems a few things are backwards now and others too sensitive. Can’t drink coffee or have caffeine because of the sensitivity to it, no aspartame (I am sure to read labels) or fake sugars, yet a couple of beers and nothing. Strange things nerves are, and how our systems are so different.

      BTW NGG…I take xanax, Savella, Wellbutrin, Singulair. Lyrica is similar to Savella. Doc said everything in moderation. And they always double what you tell them you drink…I laughed and explained I have always been honest with my dr because I am well aware that a white lie could negatively effect my health. And besides I am honest to a fault anyhow. So I got the okay to enjoy a drink or two, but certainly not a 6 pack or two.

    • Anonymous
      July 23, 2010 at 6:18 pm

      I recently had the 5 year anniversary of my mom’s passing. That along with living alone in this one horse town where I was stricken with GBS and lost all of my so-called friends from it….well, it was a sadder than usual time. It drove me to find a natural alternative to SSRI’s…..which I am assuming Lyrica is. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. I have only been on it 5 days but I see a difference. Did not realize how hypersensitive I was until now. It is an amino acid….it is converted by the body into Serotonin….a very powerful neurotransmitter….Trying to drop some pounds, I was eating mainly protein…which did not help produce serotonin. It is more complicated, but I won’t bore you. I did not want the side effects that go along with pharmaceuticals. BUt when you take this amino acid, alcohol affects the metabolism of it. It is advised not to drink alcohol for at least 6 hours before you use it. Also anyone who has damaged their liver from drinking should not use it.
      If you want to know what supplements worked for me, check out some of my old posts. They are working… pain meds and I have very little gray hair… former students have it and I don’t….so what is Right with this picture???

    • July 24, 2010 at 8:03 am

      [QUOTE=Carolyn]I recently had the 5 year anniversary of my mom’s passing. That along with living alone in this one horse town where I was striiken with GBS and lost all of my so-called friends from it….well, it was a sadder than usual time. It drove me to find a natural alternative to SSI’s…..which I am assuming Lyrica is. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. I have only been on it 5 days but I see a difference. Did not realize how hypersensitive I was until now. It is an amino acid….it is converted by te body into Serotonin….a very powerful neurotransmitter….Trying to drop some pounds, I was eating mainly protein…which did not help produce serotonin. It is more complicated, but I won’t bore you. I did not want the side effects that go along with pharmaceuticals. BUt when I take this amiino acid,alcohol affects the metabolism of it. It is advised not to drink alcohol for at least 6 hours before you use it. Also anyone who has damaged their liver from drinking should not use it.
      If you want to know what supplements worked for me, check out some of my old posts. They are working… pain meds and I have very little gray hair… former students have it and I don’t….so what is Right with this picture???[/QUOTE]

      as far as I know (and I dont know squat) lyrica is not a SSI which is an anti-depressant.

    • Anonymous
      July 24, 2010 at 2:01 pm

      As you know Lyrica and I had a very bad reaction to each other! But I take Neurotin, Baclofin, Oxycontin, and then other stuff for high blood pressure and fish oil. I also drink an occasional glass of wine or beer. I am gluten free so my beer choices become more limited but no more than a glass is fine for me. (one reason I decided to graduate to junior high from senior high – I am sure I’d forget moderation! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Hubby and I split a bottle of beer, and that works fine for us. A bottle of wine takes several days which isn’t so great but I am cooking with it when it is older than 3 days.

      We probably average 1 glass each of adult beverage a week – big time partiers! But moderation and feeling like I am “normal” are really important. Check with your doc or pharmacy and you should be okay. Good luck!

    • July 24, 2010 at 2:40 pm

      I had a couple of Bud limes the other day when it was hot. I suppose technically it is beer, although it is closer to pop. No biggie and no problem.

    • Anonymous
      July 24, 2010 at 2:49 pm

      Moderate alcohol drinking for men is two drinks a day, for women it is one drink a day.

      Examples, each represents one alcohol drink:
      12 ounces of beer
      5 ounces of wine
      1 1/2 ounces of 80 proof whiskey
      1 ounce of 100 proof spirits


    • Anonymous
      July 25, 2010 at 4:45 pm

      Gabapentin (brand name Neurotin) is a GABA analog. Just how it work is not fully understood, but it likely to increase the production of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, and, for control of neuropathic pain, to bind to a particular subunit of a calcium channel in the central nervous system. Pregabalin (brand name Lyrica) acts very similar to gabapentin. It also seems to involve other neurotransmitters, at least to differing degrees. They do appear to have much to do with serotonin or norepinephrine receptors. Both of these drugs look chemically similar to GABA (for those who like chemistry, gabapentin has a cyclohexyl group at the second carbon from the amine, while pregabalin has a tert-butyl group).

      Milnacipran hydrochloride (brand name Savella) is a serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. As SNRI’s do, it increases the overall level of both serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. As a class, these have relatively little effect on GABA receptors.
