Better late than never!

January 4, 2008 at 3:01 pm

Norb, what you explain in the previous posting about the IgM having only marked what the phagocytes come to destroy if you get an inflammation, makes me recall something that happened during Christmas 2000, before I had had any medical attention at all concerning my pain and fatigue. I got a stomach-bug, and even if it didn’t last long, I had the most horrible pain all over my body, almost like I had been set on fire. I remember I had to let myself fall down on the living-room floor, because the pain – and nausea -were excruciating. As soon as I got the bug out of my system, the fire was extinguished too and my pain-level returned to normal.

Andrew, I too had a look at the powerpoint presentation you gave the address to. I guess it originally was accompanied by a lecture, because it was very hard to get any information out of most of the pictures alone. I would especially have liked to get some additional information on the figures in the table where Norway is mentioned. Does it say that Norway only has 155464 inhabitants, or what?
And Norb – of course I’m exceptional – I have a disease much more rare than CIDP even:rolleyes: !

Better late than never!

November 30, 2006 at 2:50 pm

Dear Nina!

Even though I knew, I forgot to wish you “Gratulerer med dagen” on your day! But I’m doing it for all to see now!:D

If I had been able I would have posted a grand ani-gif or clip-art here for you too, but even after Norb’s telling me what to do, something prevents me from succeeding. But as we say here “It’s the thought that counts”!