Steroids & weight gain…

September 6, 2007 at 2:59 pm

I was a little different because I was infused steroids (solumedrol) at 1,000 mg over the course of 21 months. I tried stopping it many times, but would lose what little strength I did have. Finally my neuro began a tapering program where I first went down to 500 mg for a month, then 400, then 250, etc… It was fairly easy to taper off that way, but I was surprised at how much more overall pain I had once I was off of them.

Now about the weight gain, I gained 80# during those 21 months, but I was also sedentary & eating normally. When I kept telling my neuro’s nurses that I was very concerned about the weight gain they kept reassuring me that the weight would fall right off after I got off of them. After I got off of them I found this was not true at all; it was real weight gain. I have been able to lose 50# of that weight, but seem to be stuck. But I am now much more sedentary & have also gone through the whole menopause thing. I did lose the “moon face” but can’t remember at what point that was…