Unbelievable odds???

    • Anonymous
      October 18, 2006 at 10:25 pm

      I originally put this thread in the CIDP, then decided to put in this one. Sorry if it’s a rerun for you. I hate reruns!

      GBS/CIDP Warriors!

      I was diagnosed with GBS in the summer of ’05 that was changed to CIDP earlier this year.

      A few months after I was diagnosed, a teenage girl was diagnosed with GBS. A young man was just recently diagnosed with this as well. The common link? We all go to this same rural community church of only about 500 people.

      Considering the odds of one person getting GBS/CIDP is rather small. (only a few of us are special enough!) However, the odds of three people in the same community has got to be astronomical.

      I’m stabbing for any explanation here. Is it just a coincidence? Or could there be something in the water- or whatever in our community? I feel like this is a silly question- but with the comparitive little research out there, I am curious. Do any of you have any stories like this? I rarely find anybody that even has heard about GBS- let alone knowing somebody that has it. Now we have three just in our church. Quite honestly, we have a few church members nervous about this.

      By the way, somebody educate me how to add cool pix and quotes and stuff like you all have! Is there info on this site that I’ve overlooked?? I’m not exactly a computer guru, but I manage.


    • Anonymous
      October 18, 2006 at 10:58 pm

      Yes there are some interesting clusters of GBS see the following messages.

      GBS more in certain locations? by Judith Ryan Main Forum

      Oregon City a GBS Cluster? by Lee Spurgeon Main Forum

      Very odd or is it by Donna GBS – Adult

      Multiple Sclerosis, better yet GBS 2 GBS – Adult

      Wife and Husband with GBS, diagnosed 20 years apart
      by canuckgirl Main Forum

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 12:33 am

      Hi Dennis, I had a family friend die from complications of gbs, 7 years before I came down with it. There are also a few others right here in the same city that have/had gbs/cidp. we all live within 1 1/2 miles of each other. There are more people in Toledo that have gbs/cidp, I myself think it has something to do with the water-I have had elevated/high amounts of arsenic in my system everytime I was in the hospital because of my paralysis events. My drs don’t think it is anything to report though.:(

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 4:58 am

      i live in a town of 10,000 people and someone else was treated at our local hospital just a few months before me. Most of the nurses had never heard of it so there obviously hadnt been too many other cases. Even at the larger rural hospital where i had the majority of my treatment there hadnt been all that many cases.

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 10:22 am

      By the way, somebody educate me how to add cool pix and quotes and stuff like you all have! Is there info on this site that I’ve overlooked?? I’m not exactly a computer guru, but I manage.


      Hi, I emailed you instructions for this. Hope it helps.

    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 11:21 am


      I find “I have had elevated/high amounts of arsenic in my system everytime” interesting. I’m sure there is no connection; however, the county I live in has dangerous levels of arsenic in the well systems. I’m sure it is another coincidence; however, I hope the researchers don’t rule out any causes before testing thoroughly.

      Thanks for everybody’s reply.


Unbelievable odds?

    • Anonymous
      October 18, 2006 at 9:51 pm

      GBS/CIDP Warriors!

      I was diagnosed with GBS in the summer of ’05 that was changed to CIDP earlier this year.

      A few months after I was diagnosed, a teenage girl was diagnosed with GBS. A young man was just recently diagnosed with this as well. The common link? We all go to this same rural community church of only about 500 people.

      Considering the odds of one person getting GBS/CIDP is rather small. (only a few of us are special enough!) However, the odds of three people in the same community has got to be astronomical.

      I’m stabbing for any explanation here. Is it just a coincidence? Or could there be something in the water- or whatever in our community? I feel like this is a silly question- but with the comparitive little research out there, I am curious. Do any of you have any stories like this? I rarely find anybody that even has heard about GBS- let alone knowing somebody that has it. Now we have three just in our church. Quite honestly, we have a few church members nervous about this.

      By the way, somebody educate me how to add cool pix and quotes and stuff like you all have! Is there info on this site that I’ve overlooked?? I’m not exactly a computer guru, but I manage.


    • Anonymous
      October 18, 2006 at 10:10 pm

      To add the icons, signatures, etc. you need to go to the “User CP” (not sure what that stands for) on the solid blue bar above.. It’s not all that hard.. 🙂

      I was speaking to one of the secretaries in the main office of our school district today, and she has a nephew, brother, or someone who has CIDP… We have a really small school system with around 1,000 students… I’m not sure if he is in this area, but it is still a close connection…


    • October 19, 2006 at 1:11 pm


      Years ago – in files that are probably lost thanks to the hackers- there was a long thread on possible connections between GBS/CIDP victims. We had polls on where you were born, grew up, exposure to water (lakes, ocean, desert), diseases of close relatives, etc. Naturally we never came up with a true commonality.

      I am one of the many who blame my CIDP on campylobacter bacteria from a poorly cooked chicken. Perhaps you had a church supper that affected folks who were genetically predisposed to an autoimmune disease.

      (By the way, my favorite conspiracy theory about CIDP is that it is a run away experiment from the military trying to infect the Chinese populace which live in such close proximity to their chickens. This was years before the bird flu.)

      You might write your congressman to see if he can get the CDC interested in your church.


    • Anonymous
      October 19, 2006 at 9:40 pm

      Hi Dennis,

      I’m in Chicago, and in my office of about 30-40 people, three of my co-workers know someone who had GBS, two of which were around the same time as my fiance (2/05). We went to see a hand doctor last week, and he said his good friend had GBS the same time as Ben. Granted we’re in a much larger city than you, but my office really isn’t all that big. Pretty amazing, huh?

      Take care,


    • Anonymous
      October 20, 2006 at 2:14 am

      Back in the 60s I was doing some research in leukaemia and its incidence in clusters. I learnt then that rare disorders statistically cluster in groups of three without related causal effects. Can any statistician confirm or refute this?
      GBS and CIDP are different diseases, yes campylobacter is one of the more common triggers for GBS but there really are no known triggers for CIDP. DocDavid