What is IVIG??
AnonymousJuly 7, 2006 at 1:54 pm
I was wondering if those who are in the know if you could please tell me about his treatment I have read in other posts called IVIG? I am curious if this had been around besides the apherysus if I would have had as much nerve damage as I do now. Any info would be great thanks!!!!
Glad I found you!!!
Andy -
AnonymousJuly 7, 2006 at 2:21 pm
Dear Andy:
IVIG means Intravenous Immuno Globulin. The other treatment for GBS is Plasma Pherises, which is commonly abbreviated PP. IVIG is a blood serum product taken from thousands of plasma donations which contains an extremely high concentration of anti-bodies. It’s purpose is to flood the system with so many anti-bodies that it shuts the immune system down temporarily, thus ending the immune systems attacjk on the myelin sheath of the nerves.
AnonymousJuly 8, 2006 at 3:23 am
Yes, (IVIG), most probably would have made a difference./////……it did for me!!! And little did I know that “thousands” of donars contributed to my healing of this dreaded syndrome…………and I have thanked and prayed for their “lifeline” that I, and MANY others have received!!
And Lee, that was the best, most “layman’s” definition of IVIG I have seen!!:) 🙂 PERFECT!
Now, I know how it worked. No one ever explained it like that, so, thank you Lee!!!!Keep improving, Andy!!!
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