Water rentention??

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2010 at 11:34 am

      Hey guys….quick question.

      I’m not sure why it took me so long to ask, but how many of you noticed an increase of water retention post GBS?

      When I was diagnosed w/GBS in 1991, initially I lost quite a bit of weight as I couldn’t eat, however, once I was able to eat solid food and my appetite returned, I regained that weight plus a bit more. Prior to GBS, I was very active and could eat almost anything I wanted. It took a while for me to realize I would have to change my eating habits as I was no longer able to exercise the way I did in the past.

      I started noticing puffiness around my ankles, which I’d never had a problem with. The doctor stated that as my nerves were severely damaged, the muscles weren’t being stimulated enough to remove the water the way it normally would and she prescribed a diuretic.

      Well, I’ve been on a variety of diuretics since 1991 and regardless of what I do (watch my sodium intake, drink plenty of water), I’m still retaining a heck of a lot of water. If my leg is lightly touched, even for a couple seconds, I get a huge dent.

      Have any of you had this same experience?

      Just a bit of background info; I’ve had an echocardiogram and my heart and lungs are fine. No fluid build up there. Also, the diuretic is the only medication I take daily…no steroids or any other pills except as needed for back or knee pain (Darvocet or Valium). I’d certainly like to know if what the doctor said is true about the reason I’m not getting rid of water.

      I’d appreciate any advice you guys can give.

      Thanks and take care,


    • Anonymous
      June 27, 2010 at 1:23 am


      Yes I am having a huge problem with water retention.

      I also take water pills.

      I must lie on couch with my feet on the back of the couch elevated quite high for a couple of hours every day or else my ankles are huge and the pain is unreal!

      Rhonda from Canada

    • Anonymous
      June 28, 2010 at 11:12 am


      You have not had any issues with blood clots, have you? I know that they can manifest with swelling in the ankles/legs. I don’t want to get you worried, but I am just throwing that out there. I assume that your docs have checked for this.

    • Anonymous
      June 28, 2010 at 5:41 pm

      Hi Rhonda,

      Thankfully, my swelling is no longer that extreme. I can remember when it was and trust me, I feel your pain.

      Did you notice the water rentention after you were first diagnosed with GBS and is that why your doctor prescribed the pulls? I don’t want to keep taking water pills simply based upon my first doctor’s information and would like to get to the root cause.

      Take care,


    • Anonymous
      June 28, 2010 at 5:46 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Nope, no issues with clots, thank goodness. During the time my ankles were really puffy, I had a couple “dopplers”, but they all came back normal.

      The only suggestion my doctor had was to wear support hose, however, I want to get rid of the water, not simply hold it in place. I won’t even mention how hot and uncomfortable support hose would be during the summer along with my AFO. 🙂

      Take care,


    • Anonymous
      June 28, 2010 at 10:00 pm


      Doctor put me on pills before I was diagnosed, he thought I was just retaining water at that point.

      Since then he and I both realized the water reteniton could be part of CIDP.


    • Anonymous
      June 29, 2010 at 10:05 am

      I have had this issue, too, and I am on a diuretic.
      I noticed that I really “puff up” when I am taking painkiller (most often, ibuprofen).
      Have any of you noticed such a correlation?