very funny ‘Guardian’ letter re neurologists.

    • Anonymous
      September 12, 2006 at 6:54 am

      Have posted this elsewhere but it is too good to be missed.

      Been a series of very clever, funny letters in the ‘Guardian’ (UK) that started about what do you call a collection of professors. It has switched direction slightly, so today >
      “No matter what happens neurologists never lose their nerve (Letters, passim). Ivor Robinson. London.

very funny ‘Guardian’ letter re neurologists.

    • Anonymous
      September 12, 2006 at 6:52 am

      Been a series of very clever, funny letters in the ‘Guardian’ (UK) that started about what do you call a collection of professors. It has switched direction slightly, so today >
      “No matter what happens neurologists never lose their nerve (Letters, passim). Ivor Robinson. London.

    • Anonymous
      September 13, 2006 at 2:59 pm

      Dear Ken:

      I thought you called a collection of professors a ‘gaggle’. Am I wrong?
