Treatment progress for CIPD questions
AnonymousMarch 4, 2011 at 10:34 am
I contracted GBS in 2-2002 after a bout of double pneumonia; fortunately my recovery rate was 95% without IVIG. Back then GBS was VERY rare. Over the years I have developed some lower back disc issues. In mid-January 2011 I went to a Pain Specialist and received lower spinal steroid pain injections over the course of a couple of weeks. Approximately 7-10 days after the last pain injection I slowly noticed an increasing weakness in my legs and arms and a loss of approximately 30% of my tasting ability. Loss of taste related to GBS or CIPD who knows, not on any know list I have seen. A week later I went to a neurologist and was diagnosed with CIDP and hospitalized where I received 4 daily IVIG infusions, then released. Yesterday (3-2-2011) I began a 6 week treatment plan of weekly injections of Solu-Medro and IVIG infusions. Unfortunately, my leg and arm weakness or loss of taste doesn’t appear to be getting better maybe even worsening. I don’t remember a lot of my first bout with GBS; I hallucinated a lot and was under many drugs with many doctors because nobody knew what I had. I am not new to GBS but I am new to these new treatment plans and looking for any feedback on similar conditions and how successful this IVIG treatment is.
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