This is strange-any ideas?
AnonymousAugust 21, 2006 at 8:44 pm
[SIZE=”2″][COLOR=”Blue”]Last month after I had my IVIG infusion my middle 3 fingers on my noninfusion hand became swollen, couldn’t bend them and the knuckles were very painful. This lasted about 24 hours and I didn’t think anymore about it. Today I had my IVIG infusion and now about 4 hours later my wrist, middle, and index finger on my infusion hand are swollen and painful. Just a coincidence? Any thoughts? Thanks, Vicki:confused: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
AnonymousAugust 21, 2006 at 10:49 pm
were you premedicated first with steroids or benadryl and tylenol?
Things that come to mind: side effect of IVIG (arthraliga), volume load change form the infusion. My husband had a reaction at his third IVIG treatment, which included the contraalateral side developing symptoms of cramping, stiffness, etc- went away when we lowered the infusion rate, premedicated with the above stuff, and delayed the second daay of tx for 3 days.
Sigrid -
AnonymousAugust 21, 2006 at 11:40 pm
Vicki, on my last day of IVIG two weeks ago my hand was swollen where I had the *** what-do-you-call-it. The nurse didn’t seem to be too concerned and it went away the next day. This time they couldn’t get Gammunex and had to use something else with a lower concentration. It took seven hours for three days in a row.
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