The Alchemy of Illness, by Kat Duff

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 8:23 am

      I have had GBS/MFS for the past seven months, and have struggled a great deal with accepting what has happened to me, both physically and mentally. A book I read recently helped so much with acknowledging and accepting this ongoing struggle. Like so many of the people on this forum I was very healthy — I thought, since I was almost never sick, but I never listened to my body, either — had a very active career, social, family life….and then….nothing; Full stop. At least, that’s how it seemed to me. With the help of Kat Duff’s truly excellent book, ‘The Alchemy of Illness’ I am able to look at my body, this illness, and the journey to acceptance in a new way. It is available on Amazon. Kat suffers from CFIDS and many of her symptoms will also resonate with GBS/CIDP patients.

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 9:24 am

      Hi Maryb

      Thanks a lot for this recommendation, I really need a book like this . I can relate to all the things you’ve said about your GBS experience.


      Best wishes

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 11:37 pm

      Thank you Mary,
      I have found that reading others experiences with processing illness/wellness is so helpful in integrating these conditons into our lives. I look forward to reading this. Thanks again and be well.