Thank You — My Story
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2007 at 1:05 pm
I am not sure where to begin other than to say that I have been looking forward to writing this note for months. My motivation for writing is to thank you all for posting your stories and providing invaluable information to me. I had what doctors described as a medium severity GBS attack. I felt my first symptoms on January 5th of this year. Over the ensuing 7 days that included several trips to the emergency room and one trip to my regular doctor, I went from feeling fine to being admitted to the hospital in critical care.
I spent 12 days listed in critical care the first four of which countless doctors tried to diagnosis me. I was in immense pain and my blood pressure was at 240 over 160. I came close to being put on a ventilator. After I was diagnosed with GBS, and received 5 days of IVIGG treatment. After 12 days, I was moved to in-patient rehab, where I spent 4 more weeks receiving therapy.
Towards the end of my hospital stay, I began to feel really upbeat. My doctors were telling me that after a month or so of outpatient therapy, I would be ready to resume my normal life. My in-patient therapist was the only one sounding a more cautious tone; my mistake is that I listened to my doctors.
What ensued was a three plus months of frustration and depression. Needless to say I did not walk without assistance. Even with assistance, walking was problematic. Although I could recognize progress (I got steadier with the walker, progressed to cane, then to AFO’s), but it was painfully slow. It was during this time that I often turned to this sight for answers and inspiration. In reading your stories, I often felt like a complainer because many of you had far worse stories then mine. Additionally, I kept telling myself, how could I complain with all of the veterans coming home from Iraq without limbs or blind.
In June, I had to have surgery on both feet to lengthen my heal cords, which had become overly tight due to decreased activity. On July 23rd (an anniversary that I will celebrate for many years to come), I took my first unassisted steps (about 6.5 months). From that day on, it was a matter of just working to get stronger each day. Today, I still have some tingleliness in my toes, but I know that that is just a matter of time. It takes a long time to get down there at a pace of 1mm a day. I can also still feel it every so slightly on my right fingertips, but since that’s where I felt the first symptoms, that may take extra time as well. Since I resumed my work life this week, am getting stronger each day, and I have learned so much from this sight, I now have the patience to wait for a complete recovery.
Once again thank you,
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2007 at 2:10 pm
That’s fantastic! Keep up the great work and remember to listen to your body it will let you know when you need to rest. From now on you really have to learn to take those signs seriously so you can stay on track. Now when you hear someone say they have GBS you can give them hope and inspiration! :p
Thanks for sharing your story,Joyce
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2007 at 4:43 pm
I wish to thank you for your inspiring story. I wish the doctors would keep their mouths shut about the length of recovery! I would say 1-2 years is doing well; I think you have done exceptionally well to be where you are after only a year. It sounds like your recovery was complete. How I wish I could throw away the AFOs, cane & power chair I still use for part of the day. But after 5 1/2 years, I know I am as good as I will ever be. Be grateful for the wonderful recovery you did make, & try to learn to appreciate what so many take for granted, it sounds like you were one of the lucky ones…
Pam -
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2007 at 5:01 pm
Thank you for sharing your story! I am so thankful that you have found this site helpful, I’ve heard so many say that that is why we keep coming back each day, in the hope that what we say helps someone in some small way. Having surgery must have been awful for you, not only with regards to pain, but also the stress involved with all that comes with it. Congrats for hanging in there, and im glad you took the step to post and let us know how your journey is going. Please keep coming back and updating us on your recovery- (as well as your advice and input), specially since resuming work.
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