Teens with GBS/CIDP! We need your help!

    • Anonymous
      July 17, 2007 at 1:59 pm

      [LEFT] We are trying to create a booklet that explains GBS and CIDP and how teens can deal with them. The success of this project depends upon the input we get from you regarding your experiences. The more information we have from teens the better the book.

      Please tell us your stories and share with us your experiences with GBS or CIDP. Our goal is to create a book that helps teens to understand GBS or CIDP and also learn how to cope with the disorder. Let us know what the toughest part of your illness was and the best ways of dealing with it. What helped you through the ordeal? Do you have any tips that would help other teens? By giving us your stories and thoughts we can create a better finished product that really helps other teens.

      We encourage you to provide as much information as possible. It is important to us that your voices are heard. If you would like to tell us your story please email it to info@gbs-cidp.org and title the subject GBS/CIDP Teen Book. Thanks