AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 1:44 am
Tonight on NBC news they were discussing the super bug. My husband was in the hospital for 2 weeks plus 3 days for gangrene and they did a partial amputation on his foot. The infusion antibiotics gave him the super bug c-diff. It is such a strong antibiotic it kills all of your good bacteria and that is what caused it. He has had problems for over 3 months and refused to take anymore of the antibiotic that was a month ago. We told our podiatrist about it she changed us to another dr. that takes care of infusion antibiotics. She subscribed an antibiotic that was over $4000 . Thank goodness we have insurance. He finished it up and his problem is slowing down. The other Dr. would not listen to us when we told him your are killing the infection but killing the patient at the same time. My husband just refused the antibiotics anymore. Upon my reading on the web 90,000 patients per year die from staph and super bug infections. This could have been prevented had they just gave him yogurt or buttermilk or some pills that have the same thing that is in yogurt. It also comes in powder that you can put on your food. I am more knowledgeable now and in the future I will make sure he gets a yogurt like product. Lactobacillus is what is in yogurt. Since my husband already has a low immune system from the CIDP that is probably why he got the infection. He swelled up from being so anemic and they had to give him blood tranfusions this was a week after he came from the hospital. Sorry my post was so long but I thought this might help someone if they have to go to the hospital and take infusion antibiotics so you do not have to suffer like my husband.
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 7:32 am
I would have never thought of eating yogurt either. Our home health care nurse suggested it to us or buy the lactobacillus. She said it is in the yogurt. The day I picked up the antibiotic for my husband the pharmacist said this is some serious stuff. She should me what the actual cost was and I had never seen a RX cost that much. She told me the vancomycin is used to kill c-diff. and to make sure he takes it all. He finished it last week and he is finally getting better, I think with his CIDP it would have killed him. I am glad our podiatrist switched infectious disease drs. for us.
I am sorry to hear your husband has been thru so much!
A lot of people dont realize that most of the bugs we get start in our intestines. If we keep the good bacteria levels up it helps our immune systems. On occassion I will grab a Naked Juice Probiotic shot and drink that. Another good supplement to take is arabinogalactan. It is the main ingredient in Airborne. It helps feed the good bacteria in your intestines and ups your immunity to bugs.
Hi Cookie girl,
I am so very sorry for all that your husband and yourself has gone through. I hope he is continues to improve quickly. Thank you so much for mentioning to take yogurt or a supplement if receiveing the iv antibiotics. Is your husband on steroids for his cidp or cell cept? I was curious why they said his immune system is weakened from cidp. We were told the opposite, it is overactive and is attacking the myelin sheathe/nerves. Now I am confused. (Lateley I am more confused than not!!) Best wishes to you and your husband.
Dawn Kevies mom -
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 12:24 pm
Thank you for sharing your story. I have cidp. Back in June I had gotten very sick with what I thought was the flu. It was the worst I’d ever had and I could hold nothing down or in for days. I finally called my dr b/c I got to the point that I couldnt lift my head off the couch, literally. I felt almost like I was dying. Very strange feeling and hard to describe. I think having cidp sometimes makes even minor illness alot worse. I’m learning the hard way.I was very dehydrated and it took many many attempts to even start an IV. The day I went to the ER, I had started having bad pain in my ovary area and I thought I had the flu and a cyst or something. They admitted me into the hospital…did a slew of tests including upper GI and a colonoscopy. Thank goodness they knocked me out for that….but found that I had C-DIFF.
I was hospitilized for an entire week . Nobody asked twice about the CIDP…they rarely do…they dont know what it is.They said I likely got mine from taking antibiotics recently b/c of bronchitis. I had no idea what it was and three days after being in the hospital, suddenly, the nurses were gowning up and wearing gloves and started to come into my room a whole lot less. It was like I had a horrible plaque or something.
Having c-diff, I was very very sick….now every time I have an issue I get worried that it’s come back. Evidentally, re-infection is pretty high risk.
I have alot of stomach probs as it is….I dont feel good about 75 per cent of the time. They wanted me to bring a sample in. I declined that offer. I’ll know if it’s back I think. I’m not going to run a sample to them every time I have an issue.I was told to also eat yogurt with the antibiotics they gave me for the c-diff to prevent yeast infections. It’s awful that our meds to make us better can sometimes make us so much worse.
again, Thank you for sharing your story…I hope your husband never has to go thru that again.
well wishes,
Stacey -
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 4:39 pm
[QUOTE=Dawn Kevies mom]Hi Cookie girl,
I am so very sorry for all that your husband and yourself has gone through. I hope he is continues to improve quickly. Thank you so much for mentioning to take yogurt or a supplement if receiveing the iv antibiotics. Is your husband on steroids for his cidp or cell cept? I was curious why they said his immune system is weakened from cidp. We were told the opposite, it is overactive and is attacking the myelin sheathe/nerves. Now I am confused. (Lateley I am more confused than not!!) Best wishes to you and your husband.
Dawn Kevies mom[/QUOTE]
Maybe I am the one confused. I remember my husband telling me that this disease attacks his myelin sheath. He is only on pain meds at the moment. He did the cellcept for 6 months maybe 8 nothing happened. We did the IVGA and the plasphameresis, forgive if I am not spelling these correct, but you all that have had these done know what I am talking about He had to go every day to an infusion service center both times, neither one helped. After this last bout with the superbug he is scared to do anymore transfusions. After reading how contagious it is I am glad that I wore gloves when I was taking care of him. It started in June and is just now slowing down. I think I would have already gotten if I were infected. One of us has to be healthy. I eat yogurt extra for now just to be sure I did not catch it from him. Yogurt does have calcium in it also that women need. I know that I have had pharmacists tell me to eat yogurt when you finish any antibiotic. This superbug is international I read articles from Canada and England where people have died or infected with it. What irritates me is the first infectious disease Dr. gave him a blood test and it did not show the superbug so they kept giving him the infusions. My HUSBAND FINALLY JUST REFUSED TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.He said it is killing him and he did not care if the gangrene came back. I know I will forever eat yogurt one every day just to be safe. You are correct that most Dr.s do not know what CIDP is. They know what GBS and Lou Gherighs (ALS) so I always tell them it is similar to those two. I could keep typing foever I am just so upset at DR.s in this modern time could not figure out it was the c-diff until he refused to take the infusuions anymore. Clyndomycin was the infusion antibiotic that gave him the c-diff. Our internal medicine that he sees for his diabetes told us sometimes you can have for up 2 years. My husbands immune system will not take it that long. He will die. I pray that the vancomycin kicked it out for $4000 it should have. The insurance companies are going to wise up and quit paying for the hospitals mistakes. Thanks for listening -
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 4:45 pm
[QUOTE=fairly_odd_mother]I am sorry to hear your husband has been thru so much!
A lot of people dont realize that most of the bugs we get start in our intestines. If we keep the good bacteria levels up it helps our immune systems. On occassion I will grab a Naked Juice Probiotic shot and drink that. Another good supplement to take is arabinogalactan. It is the main ingredient in Airborne. It helps feed the good bacteria in your intestines and ups your immunity to bugs.[/QUOTE]Hi, is that a juice in the health food section of the store. I have never heard of it. Also, the other supplement you mentioned is that in the vitamin section or do you have to go to a health food store to purchase it. Thanks
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 4:56 pm
Thank you for sharing your story. I have cidp. Back in June I had gotten very sick with what I thought was the flu. It was the worst I’d ever had and I could hold nothing down or in for days. I finally called my dr b/c I got to the point that I couldnt lift my head off the couch, literally. I felt almost like I was dying. Very strange feeling and hard to describe. I think having cidp sometimes makes even minor illness alot worse. I’m learning the hard way.I was very dehydrated and it took many many attempts to even start an IV. The day I went to the ER, I had started having bad pain in my ovary area and I thought I had the flu and a cyst or something. They admitted me into the hospital…did a slew of tests including upper GI and a colonoscopy. Thank goodness they knocked me out for that….but found that I had C-DIFF.
I was hospitilized for an entire week . Nobody asked twice about the CIDP…they rarely do…they dont know what it is.They said I likely got mine from taking antibiotics recently b/c of bronchitis. I had no idea what it was and three days after being in the hospital, suddenly, the nurses were gowning up and wearing gloves and started to come into my room a whole lot less. It was like I had a horrible plaque or something.
Having c-diff, I was very very sick….now every time I have an issue I get worried that it’s come back. Evidentally, re-infection is pretty high risk.
I have alot of stomach probs as it is….I dont feel good about 75 per cent of the time. They wanted me to bring a sample in. I declined that offer. I’ll know if it’s back I think. I’m not going to run a sample to them every time I have an issue.I was told to also eat yogurt with the antibiotics they gave me for the c-diff to prevent yeast infections. It’s awful that our meds to make us better can sometimes make us so much worse.
again, Thank you for sharing your story…I hope your husband never has to go thru that again.
well wishes,
Stacey[/QUOTE] I thank you for your story also. After reading about you c-diff experience I see my husbands might return. We are not for sure it is completely gone.He just finished the medicine for that last week. I know we were suppose to go to our sons house for his birthday and he had to cancel because he was having trouble again this morning. It was just not as bad as it was in the beginning. If you do not mind me asking how long did it take for you to get over it. He took the vancomycin for 30 days. He did the pill form because he was scared to do anymore infusions. Thanks -
Hi Cookie girl,
I think I understand it now, it sounds like the infection came as a result of his immune system being weakened from the cell cept. The cell cept was given to help with the cidp. The cidp itself was not what made his immune system weak, it was the cell cept. Again, I am so sorry this has happened to your family, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dawn Kevies mom -
AnonymousSeptember 20, 2008 at 11:14 pm
How long did mine take to go away ? That I dont know for sure. I was in the hosp for a week and then after I came home I still had episodes…I still do but not like before. I am ok for a week or so and then have a few bad tummy days.
They gave me three diff meds to take…by mouth…one was an antibiotic and I want to say it was bactrim but that might not be right. CIPD has really messed up my ability to remember things on the spot. It was 500mg three times per day. If that is incorrect, I will let you know as soon as I remember !
I know it was a powerful antibiotic that is used for bacterial infections.Overall, I’d say a good month before I was about half normal. I have an irritable bowel and it gets bad under stress. I have more stress than one woman should be allowed so it’s hard for me to know. I guess the color and smell…sorry to be graphic…is another indicator as to whether or not it’s c-diff, too.
Tell your hubby to keep his chin up. They gave me limotil that helped alot, too…most of the time. Immodium just isnt enough.
They say to increase your fiber. To me that didnt make sense but I understand that helps to make things more solid.
I’m sorry he’s been so sick. I can relate but I’m sure I didnt get as bad as he has been. Yes, it can be deadly but it is treatable. Thank God they caught it finally and treated him.
Using gloves was an excellent idea on your part. Clean with disinfectant regularly…and lots of good hand washing for both of you. It’s spread thru direct contact with fecal matter. To clarify that further, they told me airborne spores will spread it. If you havent gotten it by now, you should be fine. My family didnt get it from me but I was super careful with the handwashing and disinfectant.
Best of luck in this…my prayers are with you both.Stacey
[QUOTE=cookiegirl]Hi, is that a juice in the health food section of the store. I have never heard of it. Also, the other supplement you mentioned is that in the vitamin section or do you have to go to a health food store to purchase it. Thanks[/QUOTE]
Yes, the only place I have found the arabinogalactan is at a health food store. But, Airborne can be purchased at any drugstore.
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