Stem Cell Transplant – on my way
AnonymousFebruary 12, 2011 at 9:12 pm
I have been accepted into the SCT program at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago and am just starting to do some fundraising to help me with care before as outpatient and home care after release along with the few medical bills that will surely roll in that insurance will not cover.
I have links that can be followed attached to my site. I will be #18 and part of this study for 5 years. Any financial help is deeply appreciated or you can just follow along. Thanks to all who I have spoke with who have offered there experience’s and given me much hope. Robert
AnonymousFebruary 14, 2011 at 6:56 pm
I was SCT #14….had my transplant on September 16. Life is so much better now that I am off those awful meds and have some energy once again. Like you, I couldn’t bear the thought of not living as fully as possible.
Do you have a report date? I will be returning to Chicago March 8 for my six month check up.
AnonymousFebruary 14, 2011 at 8:51 pm
Cornblath has had me in a Holding Pattern saying the “mycophenolate is working, the patient cn walk and continues a Routine at the Y”
The pain is NUTS, I don’t sleep and grow weaker and weaker? Granted, I AM able to walk, yet. AND get myself to Baltimore, But I’m not doing better.
Would appreciate your input. BTW- Hopkins a a great Hospital, and the good doctor, VERY informed on CIDP- which can be a negative, if you are trying to tell HIM, lol.
Peace, God Speed,
Eric -
AnonymousFebruary 14, 2011 at 11:03 pm
All I can say is it’s the **** and how much can you take? I crossed my line
and will roll the dice but it is not without talking to 5 to 7 others who have gone before me. Nobody has died in the CIDP program and I hope to not be the first but if I do what can I say? I’m not here anymore. It’s killing all of me now as it stands.I have had over 100 plasma exchange treatments and what the CIDP don’t take the treatment does for what’s left as my legs turn to jello but I get to use my arms a little. Screw it, that’s the best I got so the SCT seems like it can’t be any worse as there is potential for daylight.
AnonymousFebruary 15, 2011 at 11:14 am
4 YERS AGO I HAD A TETINUS BOOSTER (DR HAS NO RECORD OF IT)ANYWAY, a eweek later my hands wentnumb, they suspected Folate Deficiency, 3 months later I was falling, often.
Short story/long, too long on Prendisone, 2 years on CellCept, I’m gettiing weaker and weaker- while my Dr (Cornblath-Hopkins, internationally known for treatment of CIDP) says he’s happy w my progress- meanwhile I’m on disability, hemorraging money and not able to do chores around my place?
ANYWAY, I gues the MY question is how do you get “them” to try something different???(- it takes 4 perscriptions to get me to sleep (nerve pain/”buzzing”) Ehat I’m “getting” , in so msny words- is I am still walking, can still grip @ 100 psi- So should I be hsappy?
Anybody else have trouble swallowing- like food is dstuck half down my esophogus?
Anyway, PLEASE keer us posted on the Stem-Cell thing- I’ve read some encouraging things from a Dr Peter Calabresi on MS. . .,
God Be With You
AnonymousFebruary 16, 2011 at 12:46 am
Hi Robert, I don’t know you as well as these others seems to, but I too have CIDP & CLL. I’ve had the CIDP since 2002. I wish you all the best !!! I pray that this will work beautifully for you, just looking @ your photo, it’s easy to see that you love life, & have alot of life left to live. So Live it with much less pain…… God Bless !!
Janice B
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