Southwest verses Northeast

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2008 at 12:37 pm

      I am contemplating moving from New York to New Mexico and was wondering if anyone has made such a move and and if the heat minus the humidity made them feel any better or worse?

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2008 at 1:13 pm

      I have not moved from NY to NM but have lived in NM all my life. I now live in the SE part of the state but have was born in the northern part and have lived in between.
      If you are moving to the Albuquerque area you will not find the extremes of temperature that you have in other parts of the state. It seldom gets over 98degrees in summer and hardly ever goes below 15 degrees in winter.
      As for your question we have a very dry heat here and it does not seem to affect my CIDP the way hot humid areas do.
      Hope I have answered your question if not I will try to answer them
      PS: New Mexico is a great place to live.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2008 at 7:33 pm

      Thanks Larry, I can use all the imput I can get. I have family that has relocated there and if my wife can secure a job there, we will concider a move. I have visited Albuquereque but have not spent enough time there to see how it effected my CIDP. Thom