Sleep study update
AnonymousDecember 3, 2007 at 12:46 am
Hi all,
I have not been writing much but have been reading. My latest news is that last week the neurologist who did the sleep study called to discuss my results. He confirmed that I have a couple of issues going on. The first is sleep apnea:rolleyes: and constant leg movement. Right now he is only going to address the apnea so on the 19th I have to go back in and stay overnight so they can figure out the CPAP machine levels. 😡 Then he is going to address the leg thing. He said it could be the CIDP, it could be a side effect of medications or it could be RLS which would require additional meds. I realise that these are common conditions and easily managed and I am grateful for that but please understand when I say I was bumming out last week thinking of the growing list of ailments. I just feel like I don’t want to have one more thing to deal with. Oh, btw, I also was seen by my spine doc. who took x-rays of my spine to follow up on the stenosis and found arthritis in my lumbar spine. He told me to wear my AFO’s more consistantly and come back in 6 weeks. I just can’t beleive how my life has gone from being a health care provider to going to doctors and therapy every week for the past year! The good news is that overall, I think the methotrexate is kicking in because I do feel stronger. 🙂 It is just the fatigue that I struggle with, but maybe getting my sleep stuff under control will improve that. I am definitely learning to be more accepting and patient. Anyway, I just thought I would share whats new. Thanks for listening. I hope everyone is doing as well as possible.
Linda -
AnonymousDecember 4, 2007 at 1:40 pm
Hang in there… it does seem like we (autoimmune diseased people) get more than our fair share sometimes. I try to look at it all as a reminder to slow down and ‘smell the roses’. Appreciating what we do have can help sometimes. Okay, so much for the positive note… this stuff sucks! Please do keep us posted 🙂
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