Scholarship Essay Research, I have a question

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 10:39 am

      Hi everyone! I am still looking for funding for my schooling this fall. I came across a scholarship question that I find very interesting. I am wanting everyones oppinion on this topic. What do you think about the possibility of embryonic stem cells helping to regenerate the mylin as a treatment for GBS? I have just recently come across this idea and am wanting to know what the majority of GBSers think.

      Thank you,
      Tonya Correll

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 12:31 pm


      I think it makes for a great paper regardless of which side of this you may fall on. I personally support it.


    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 1:10 pm

      Absolutely for it. I believe stem cells has alot for medicine to benefit in the future.

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 1:49 pm

      Dear Tonya:

      It seems like adult stem cells offer more promise for myelin repair than embryonic stem cells. I think both types of stem cells should be researched. If there is some relief to repair demyelination, I doubt that we will see any research concerning remyelination and stem cells in our lifetimes. GBS falls in line behind almost everything else in research. GBS is extremely rare and most doctors believe it is episodic and most people recover close to 100%. That isn’t a recipe for getting a lot of research dollars.


    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 4:01 pm

      I firmly believe that stem cell research is the key to the alleviation of a lot of human suffering. Although GBS/CIDP may be low on the prority list, it seems logical that stem research advances as applied to more common disorders such as MS, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s, etc., will crossover as highly beneficial to less common diseases as GBS?CIDP. I’m 64 so whether or not this will occur in my lifetime is highly questionable. Since stem cell research remains controversial, continued and senseless delays (my opinion) unfortunately make that prospect much more unlikely.


    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 4:07 pm

      Hi Tonya!

      While what Lee says about GBS and stem-cell research founding most certainly is true, there are so many other nerve diseases where demyelinization is a prominent feature, just one example is MS, that finding a way to repair lost myelin from stem-cells in general will pay off. Perhaps it will have to be done a little differently depending on the specific myelin-damage in the various diseases, but I don’t think they would have to start from scratch for every illness.

      Chin up, everybody!

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 8:12 pm

      [COLOR=red]hope it works, good luck with the paper. oh by the way I’m for it[/COLOR]

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 8:36 pm

      Much success in your research. Significant research is taking place related to GBS and stem cell use. It is an important area for all that suffer from either GBS or CIDP…

    • Anonymous
      June 25, 2006 at 9:21 pm


      I’ve been saying for years now, the only cure, or subsitute for a cure, with GBS, is stem cells. Recently, researchers sucsessfully did do a stem cell project, that bridged a spinal cord injury, and regenerated signal sending, ie. mylin sheath, stength, in a rat. I’ve also advocated that GBSers, in my opinion, would be great canidates for trials of somekind. I would think that if all we need is signal paths redone in a lot of us, that they would see quicker results with us. Based on having no cord injury, and stuff like that. The type of therapy needed to do such a thing, will be the hardest to figure out, and the most time comsuming. Once they know, and have proven, it can be done through human trials. It takes ten’s of thousands of stem cells to produce very minor results right now. So, you can see why quanity of stem cells available to science, is very importent to them. Also why Bush put a limit on them.

    • Anonymous
      June 27, 2006 at 8:53 am

      Here is the address to the story of an actual treatment of CIDP with stem-cells: [url][/url]